“My life is constantly under construction. There’s always something to improve.”
The words penned above are something I always adore when I feel that my life is lacking something and trust me; there is always something to improve. Each day after getting up from that comfortable bed, you have the freedom to make a choice. A choice between, to continue with what you chased yesterday or to stage a whole new beginning. Every choice you make will have a purpose to serve in your life, and this is where the war begins or ends.
Often people stretch their hands forward, to chase those materialistic things, thinking that is all they need. They portray it as a reason to be happy, something which will keep them organized but that’s an illusion. People often forget that materialistic things are mere distraction from what really matters, and this attachment leads to suffering.
Doing well in life is important, achieving what you always dreamt off is charming and knowing what you are doing is attractive. But what is not attractive is ignoring something or someone who always made a huge investment in your life. Habitually, you won’t be aware about those investments but they were the reason why you sailed through the storms of your life.
The happiness you will be getting after buying a luxurious car is indescribable but will it last long enough? Maybe. But comparing it with the happiness you will get when you are around your family, is not justice. Thus, you need to really think and start investing your time in the right moment with right people.
The four investments mentioned below will turn your life around. These will not only help you to tranquil your woes but will also help you to build your own growth strategy. So let’s focus on settling things a bit.
Invest in your Relationship
No matter what happens in your life, nobody can take away your relationships except yourself. Someone who is with you since the very beginning, to someone who came when you were half done with your life. Every person around you will support you when you hit your low point if you start spending time with them.
There will always be a time when you will seek a combination of love, trust, and respect and having a dozen of people to buzz around within that moment, is priceless. This is something money can never buy you.
People often spend a great deal into their romantic relationships as every so often they are the best person who can understand your woes. The most invested partners are the most committed partners too. They have the strength to overcome any hardships of life and this is what you need when having a war with life. I was facing relationship problem when I was working with CDR Australia
So start speaking with people get along for dinners you will feel relaxed you will feel enlightened. Plus, it is the simplest and most effective growth strategies you can be a part of.
Invest in your Health
The old adage “Health is Wealth” is still a classic and some of the most accurate words you will find on the web today. In the hustle and bustle of life, people often do not focus on their health while growing up and this need to be changed. Being an active partner in your health gifts you a healthy and productive life. This is a simple hack which can save you from diseases and keep you organized throughout.
You need to keep the gaming remote aside and get a walk instead. Committing to the healthy schedule will be a huge turning point in your life. You will have more energy throughout the day. Thus, you will be more productive and less stressed and when you are less stressed ideas brew up instantly. So, work hard here and most of your struggles will disappear.
Invest in your Knowledge
You can lose everything in life, but the knowledge you keep gaining is not going anywhere. So many people think that after high school or college, their education is over. All they need to do is sit in front of a computer honing their niche, but that is unproductive.
Growing and knowledge go hand in hand. The more you grow the more you need to learn hence, learning should never stop. Every successful person in the world has one thing in common, they are constantly reading and educating themselves on a daily basis, and you are no exception.
If you are committed to learning and growing, you will find yourself letting go of the ego that got you all the mess. The other thing you will realize is that you don’t know everything and there is a lot to learn. So no matter where you are on your journey keep learning and keep growing.
Invest in your Character
Good education, great family background, and other likes can be considered as good advantages but become useless if one is missing in good character. Your character defines you. It speaks for you and can be an asset to motivate and influence people around you. The choices you made at any stage of your life also defines your character and how people precise you as.
You grow daily. The person you are today is not the person you will be tomorrow. Every day counts, especially when you are struggling with life. Thus, start investing in your character. Flush down the negativity and start your day addressing everyone with a passionate smile. This could sound unrealistic but will result in huge amount of self-evolution if done correctly.
Challenges are part of life as life without challenges will be boring and dull. Also, every challenge coming up to your way will have a solution that you need to find. All the points mentioned above works for me, and I am totally aware that what works for me may not work for you. Nevertheless, giving a try is no harm right?
Author Bio
Kushagra Gupta is an editor at cdr summary statement for engineers Australia since last 2 year and also a journalism student who loves to pen down his thoughts on mental constructs, habits and personal development. Fan of Warren Buffet