When the general makeup of any living thing is manipulated it is referred to as Genetic Engineering. Scientists are constantly learning and exploring new horizons associated with this process.
While there are some individuals who believe that tampering or interfering with human DNA or of any other organism is interfering unnecessarily with Mother Nature, there are numerous others who visualize it as a significant progress, a path-breaking endeavor to make this world a better place to live in, and enhance the lives of animals and humans to a great extent.
Let us now explore some of the drawbacks of Genetic Engineering. It is always a good idea to be aware of the downsides so that you are not taken by surprise and you are fully-equipped to counter the shortcoming.
Foods’ Nutritional Value Could Go Down
When animals are growing and maturing faster, it is natural for the nutritional value associated with that product to be reduced. This is evident in poultry products. You would come across some white striping in meat products today. The white striping is actually a fat deposit which was created mostly in the breast as a result of the unnaturally rapid growth process of the bird. In chickens genetic engineering could be increasing the fat content and reducing the protein content thus, its nutritional value would be decreased.
Pathogens Would Be Adapting to All-New Genetic Profiles
Genetic Engineering could be creating an automatic resistance against a few specific pathogens for animals and plants. However, the evolutionary course is naturally geared toward coming up with pathways. Viruses and bacteria would be evolving a resistance against the resistance that is generated by genetic engineering endeavors. This would be compelling the pathogens to become far more robust and definitely more resistant as compared to what they usually would be. They could be responsible for generating future health concerns. Browse through https://www.mybiosource.com/learn/gene-transfer-technique/ for more information on gene transfer.
Some Unanticipated Negative Side Effects
There is a guarantee that Genetic Engineering would be making changes. Several such changes are welcome as they are positive, creating more food and definitely healthier ones too. However, some of these changes could be negative and unanticipated. While trying to make a plant capable of withstanding drought conditions, it is unexpectedly making that plant almost intolerant to direct sunlight. Animals could successfully be modified for producing more milk. However, this may shorten their lifespan.
Genetic Engineering Could Be Abused
The knowledge associated with this cutting-edge technology could be abused. At present, Genetic Engineering is used in humans for effectively treating specific disorders that tend to threaten the well-being or health of individuals. In future, humans could be treated just the same way as animals and plants are being treated. Genetic Engineering has the capacity to transform precise traits that could culminate in human outcomes which are supposed to be ethically questionable.
Genetic Engineering could be abused in future. Genetic Engineering may be having a few drawbacks but if you are careful you could tackle all those negative issues and make the most of the positive side of Genetic Engineering.