Satellite communication in telecommunications is the use of satellites to offer communication links between various points on Earth. They play a stellar role in the global telecommunications system. At present, around 2,000 artificial satellites revolving Earth communicate digital signals with voice, video from many locations worldwide.
Satellite communication has two major components: the ground segment which comprises mobile transmission, reception and the space segment which is the satellite. A satellite link uplinks the signal from an earth station to a satellite. Then the satellite receives and strengthens the signal from earth station retransmits it back to Earth.
That said, the field of satellite communication has been growing at a rapid pace, especially, with respect to breakthrough technologies being integrated to develop new generation of satellite terminals. Today, several companies have been at the juncture to offer value –added technologies that have helped global satellite enterprises to build state-of-the art solutions in their areas of exploration.
Several companies have invested in the satellite communications domain. It has been emblematic in the development and delivery of satellite phone for leading satellite service provider.
There are different kinds of Satellite communication technologies:
VAST systems
VAST systems offer broadband Satellite Terminal Design and Development for private network or internet communications. It is perfect for vessels at sea, satellite news collecting, emergency responders that need broadband internet connection in far flung areas.
That said, VSAT is a good way to connect to remote sites and workers with internet communications such as email, web access, video transmissions. Interestingly, VSAT helps to accelerate business process by mixing field operations with corporate wide area network.
M2M, telemetry, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
SCADA networks for satellite communications are reliable as compared to traditional methods. These are the advantages of SCADA:
- Cost effective compared with land lines
- Easily reliable with world-wide coverage
- Simple integration for IP based PLC/RTUs
- Consistent technology to implement on global basis
Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN)
BGAN is a movable technology that can be carried with the reporter’s laptop computer, making it perfect for news teams reporting in far flung areas, war zones or disaster sites.
Today, media organizations will use these video encoder solutions that utilize transmissions over satellite. Importantly, the videos can be sent over lower speed link.
Broadband at sea
Life at sea is smooth with the help of fleet broadband. High demand on ship operations demands improved connectivity, irrespective of vessel’s position. A gamut of duties need to be performed, right from updating weather information, route-planning, keeping crew morale by helping them to call or email home. Fleet broadband helps to live a seamless life.
In addition, fleet broadband offers constant, instantaneous access to voice and high-speed data services on a global basis. Emails with large file attachments can be sent and received and make voice calls. Fleet broadband offers a perfect solution that can be accommodated, giving good connectivity.
Interestingly, it can be arranged across the entire fleet and assimilated with head office networks. It supports the latest IP services and circuit-switched data for legacy systems. The best part is you can choose between shared IP service and guaranteed data rates on demand. That said, the user interface is standard across fleet broadband products.