The significance of having a highly and intrinsically motivated employee in the team, specifically in the field of life sciences could be asked from a manager whose 50% of the time is being spent on supervising and motivating the newly recruited bioinformatics officer or software sales individual. Today’s modern world is looking for steady and productive workers rather than having such employees which although provides quality work but takes much time in delivering due to lack of focus and motivation for work.
Therefore, it is eminently important to look for candidates and individuals who are self-driven, love to work, love to take on challenging task and have a capability to work efficiently with consistency. It is better to recruit intrinsically motivated employees in essay writing company or in any company rather than employing demotivated and unenthusiastic employees and then subsequently finding ways to get them motivated and up for the challenging task.
Especially in the field of science space, the employee needs to be highly motivated and should have the passion for his work. This is because the job in science space need focus consistency and efficiency in order to achieve desired results. Therefore, make sure to brief your recruiting team to look for bright, skillful and self-driven individuals before having them in the team organization.
Moreover, the world is so loud on the importance and finding ways of how to motivate their employees and encouraged them to take new challenges to find growth for them as well as for the entity. Whereas, very low number of intellectuals are stressing on the point that companies should identify and recruit self-driven and passionate workers, on which no extra time of manager should be spent to make them productive (Harcourt, 2015). Having intrinsically motivated employees in the organization has numerous benefits which might include:
The manager will have no wasted hours anymore
In one of the top science life, organization managers are required to keep a log of the daily tasks they carried out in a day with the exact time they are spending on that particular job. The results were alarming and concerning for the organization as well as the managers. The log shows that approximately 45% of the manager’s time of the whole week is spent on supervising and motivating their subordinates, where they need to keep a continuous check on whether their subordinates are maintaining productivity and doing their work efficiently.
This continuous supervision makes a little bit of impact on the employees as they work properly just because of their manager’s supervision; on the other hand, managers themselves are not being able to complete their other tasks which are important and significant for their roles. Therefore, having self-driven and highly motivated subordinates make the managers apply less supervision and enable them to focus on their other important tasks.
Consistent and efficient performance
As demonstrated above that demotivated and less passionate employees only work efficiently, when they are under the supervisor of their managers; whereas, individuals’ own passion for work and a trait of intrinsic motivation keeps on generating productive and efficient work, irrespective of the supervisor of their managers. Therefore, this attribute gives the organization long-term prerequisite in terms of higher efficiency with consistency.
Low cost due to a high sense of achievement
Usually highly and intrinsically motivated individuals possess a high sense of achievement and sense of recognition. They are more concerned about the intrinsic rewards i.e. recognition, responsibility and achievement rather than having high regards of extrinsic rewards like higher salary, bonuses, and other monetary compensation. They do find encouragement in getting higher salary and bonuses; instead look for achievement and taking in more responsibility. They take on challenges, work hard to complete them and then seek recognition which gives them additional motivation to pursue more challenging task in future. Therefore, they cost the organization less and in return gives higher utility.
Highly-motivated employees may encourage other too
Intrinsically motivated individuals set an example and give a lead to follow. They set higher standards of productivity, and by working hard, study different Professor’s University research papers and they create a work-oriented environment in the organization. Therefore, others might also follow their footsteps which are desired situation for the organization. Moreover, the highly-motivated individual also enhances the competition among the workers that might increase the productivity of less motivated workers as well.
Conclusively, in every situation after recruiting a highly motivated and self-driven employee, the organization would be a winner. This is because a self-motivated employee will keep on doing productive work with consistency while positively affecting the organization’s growth. As a final word, self-motivated, passionate and enthusiastic employees are the need of any science life organization because of the nature and challenges of the work which needs focus and consistency with skills and sound experience.