The woollen textile industry when compared to cotton or ready-made garment industry is comparatively small. Yet the woollen industry plays a major role, as it not just connects the rural economy with the different manufacturing sector but it also serves the civil and defence for their warm clothes requirements. Hence, the Indian country as a whole makes it as the 7th largest producer of raw wool. Adding to this fact, major woollen textile industries are located in different parts of India, like the state of Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Haryana Gujarat and West Bengal. Here are the details of its consumption along with its growth rate and latest trend prevailing in the online shopping market.
1. Consumption of wool in India
Being the seventh largest producer of wool in the world, India shares nearly 1.8 percent of wool production and overall, the country’s wool consumption estimated to around 135 million kg. This figure alone is expected to increase to as big as 260 million kg by the year 2019-20. And out of the major states where the wool industry is concentrated, Punjabi alone accounts for about 35 percent of the wool production, which is followed by other states like Maharashtra and Rajasthan.
2. Export destinations and the growth
The two important export destinations, which played a major role in the growth of the woollen textile industry of India, were none other than the US and the EU being the export countries. With vast diversification, other regions where the growth of woollen exports is increasingly slowly are the regions of Middle East, South East Asia, East Asia and Latin America. Talking about the growth, during the tenure of April 2016-January 2017, exports of wool and the woollen products like ready-made woollen garments, woollen yarn, woollen fabrics, woollen hand-made carpets itself made to US$328.10 million.
3. Famous woollen clothes and the online trend
Woollen clothes have always been in demand in the cooler regions of India, especially the northern region thereby, increasing the growth of the woollen textile industry all over India. The young crowd loves to experiment with their fashion style not just during summers but also during winters. Trending tops are one of the easiest ways to change your fashion style be it any season. During winters, tops like long cardigan looking overcoat top, knitted top, embroidered knitted woollen tops are the common ones which always stays in fashion year by year. The poncho style knitted woollen top at online shopping site in India provides reasonable and attractive woollen tops to upgrade your winter style statement. You can pair it with jeans, over the woollen dress or woollen tights and you are in fashion and good to go. Such a trend in woollen tops never gets out of the fashion and you can find these good-looking woollen tops easily on any good online shopping sites in India. Consider choosing such fashionable woollen tops to transform your style from the vast woollen textile industry.