How effective is homeopathy for weight loss?
One of the things that you may already be aware is that there is no miracle cure for weight loss. The only way to achieving the optimum weight is by a combination of a change in nutrition and an increase in your physical activity. However, there are certain treatments such as homeopathy that can help us to lose weight.
Homeopathic medicine online is a popular slimming treatment that is commonly used in south eastern Asia and Europe. The good thing about the unda homeopathic medicine option is that it contain of remedies that are gotten from the natural substances like plants, herbs and metals. There are people who believe that taking a few drop of a substance that is highly diluted cannot work. This has led to the conducting of many studies over a long period of time. Many of these studies have concluded that homeopathy for weight loss can be effective as long as the symptoms of the patients are studied thoroughly and adequately.
How it works
Basically, homeopathy works by correcting various digestive disorders, improving the metabolism and eliminating any excess fluids. All these are the key factors that are necessary for the successful loss of weight. One advantage of this treatment option is that it is also highly personalized. The homeopathic drugs are usually prescribed after a study has been conducted on pattern symptoms of the patient. The homeopath will ask the patient some questions in a reflective and thorough way before prescribing the right remedy.
The homeopathic remedies are used in the treatment of obesity in the patient. For instance, if someone who is obese gets the desire to consume some sweet foods, Argentum nitricum will be prescribed. If the patient, on the other hand, is struggling to control their appetite, is getting regular indigestion or craves the hot foods, Calcarea carbonica is usually prescribed. The prescribed treatment for people who suffer from fear or anxiety is Ignatia. Capsicum is used to treat obesity combined with some levels of laziness. For individuals who eat and drink in frenzy and love the fatty foods, Nux Vomica is prescribed.
How the diagnosis is done
Unlike the traditional medicines where medicines are prescribed after diagnosing symptoms, Uda homeopathic medicine requires a detailed case study of the patient. The history of the family on obesity is also considered to determine is the person has a particular predisposition to obesity. The fat stores are usually regulated over a period of time by some complex systems involving inputs as well as feedback from the fat tissues, brain, endocrine glands such as thyroid and pancreas. The practitioner may want to find out your lifestyle, eating habits and any underlying health conditions that you may have. This information will help them to prescribe the right remedy.