Who does not love hiking? I love hiking whenever am free which I encourage you to do because according to studies hiking solves a lot of human health issues like stress, blood pressure, cancer, heart failure and so much more. A novice hiker, like me will tell you of all these benefits nonetheless when you get used to hiking forgetting some items will be the daily habit. However, not to worry every hiker faces these frustrating times that I have done so.
This article will inform you on five most important things you should carry. Without being overshadowed by the jubilance of going to hike. Trust me that ecstasy is overwhelming. The list that I have comprised can be rather hard to find when you are on a mountain, thus, these items should be on your top-list. Let us start:
1. A water bottle will save you!
Everyone knows that water is very precious. During summer seasons, water should be your first-hand item. The body dehydrates when you hike but normally due to the cooler temperatures, you hardly realize that your body sweats. Thus, it is essential to hydrate your body every now and then lest you die of thirst. Perhaps where your hiking has freshwater streams where you will refill your bottle but that is not a guarantee everywhere. Your water bottle has to be sturdy because you never know what will occur. Amazon water bottles like Quechua or Milton are good examples. Please no plastic water bottles they are environmental pollutants!
2. Shelter from storm
When I say that you should shelter yourself from storms I do not precisely mean that you should carry a tent all over with you nay. A rain gear will do just fine for you should torrents of rainfall. So decide to open up. Weather is always unpredictable on mountainous regions well unless you are a weather forecaster. I know the experience of being soaked yet you are miles far from a trailhead. Hypothermia will be face to face with you. Even summer seasons are not that safe a hiker is prone to hypothermia on higher elevations.
3. Knife – A multi-purpose toolset
A knife, “who needs a knife?” is what many of my friends would ask me. Yes, a shock of all shocks this handy tool comes handy when you are hiking. Yes, any good knife will do but I prefer the Damascus steel knife because this knife is worthy of multipurpose activities. Not only is it good in hiking but for any trip kind. This knife is very beautiful but I am not all about the appealing appearance it has a wood handle that is made of very fine wood, trust me you need this so much.
4. Backpack or Daypack – travel organized
You are hiking not going to a nearby shop. You need many things to carry, so where will you put all these staffs? The limelight answer would be a backpack or a daypack. Organize your things very well in them and you are good to go for a beautiful trek that you have wanted to go. Backpacks come in various ranges some of which are very comfortable while balancing your load evenly you and will not feel as if you are carrying anything. Cheaper backpacks are available but remember cheapness has no quality nevertheless chose a backpack that is very comfortable to you and will not bruise your shoulders. The backpack you are choosing should not expose your items or gear to snow or light rain and organize your items very well with eased access to your items.
5. Flashlight or Torchlight – a way finder in the darkness
Let us put in this scenario – you are coming back from hiking, it is already dark, and there are no streetlights erected on the trailhead. Do not even imagine about it, very frightening especially if you are scared of the dark, like me! Your savior, in this case, is nothing but a flashlight or torchlight. I recommend that you choose a flashlight or torchlight that is energy saving and very durable lest it goes off in the middle of the way and you are stranded. Other things that you should consider while hiking includes the following:
- Bear spray
- Cell phone
- Moleskin
- Medications
- Toilet paper
- Duct tape
- Whistle
- Ski hat
- Sunscreen