The introduction of new technologies and luxury elements has polluted the environment of the Earth. Hundreds of different diseases that did not exist in the past surround the humans now. Majority of the users who call tds internet speed wants to know how the internet can help them find the cure for the diseases.
Thanks to the science and the day and night efforts that cures of many diseases are on the table now. However, some diseases are still not curable while others are curable under a short window of time. Cancer is one of the diseases that are curable under a limited time-window.
What is Lung Cancer?
This type of cancer directly affects the lungs of the victim. It is also known as lung carcinoma. In this disease, the tissues start to grow at an extremely fast rate and cancer spreads in the lungs without one being aware of it.
According to many research papers, out of all types of lung cancer, the majority of individuals die because of lung cancer. Here are some symptoms of it (some patients do not show any symptoms).
- Difficulty in breathing
- Coughing
- Chest pain
- Blood in coughing
- Wheezing
- Shoulder Pain if cancer has spread to tissue and muscles level
- Pain in bones if cancer has spread to bones
- Blurry vision, constant headaches, seizures, and strokes if cancer has traveled to the brain
Causes of Lung Cancer
There is always a reason behind any disease a human gets. Some individuals decide to ignore the causes of the diseases while other like to discover the roots of their disease. Here are some causes of this deadly disease.
- Smoking is stated as the topmost reason on the cause chart of lung cancer. Almost 95% of the victims of lung cancer have been an addict of smoking at some point in their lives.
- Pipe and cigar are also found on the cause chart of the lung cancer. The basic element found in the cigarettes, pipe, and cigar is the tobacco. The use of the tobacco is found to be the reason for lung cancer.
- Passive smokers are 24% on the risk of getting lung cancer. Passive smoker is a person who lives near a smoker either in a compartment or at a working place.
- Exposure to radon gas and asbestos fibers is also a known reason for lung cancer.
- Air pollution is also known to cause lung cancer in some patients.
- Some lung diseases like COPD can also develop into lung cancer.
- Patients with the history of lung cancer can become the victim of lung cancer at any time of their lives.
Treatment for it
Thankfully, the scientists have found cure for the lung cancer. However, it is important that the patient contacts the doctor and gets treatment at the earlier stages. Once the cancer reaches the final state, it is impossible to stop it or slow it down.
Here are some treatments known to cure the lung cancer in many patients.
- Chemotherapy: Majority of the earlier stage lung cancer patients are recommended to have proper chemotherapy to get rid of cancer. In this treatment, a patient is injected with a combination of different anti-cancer drugs. It spots and kills the cancerous cells. The treatment takes more than a couple of weeks to treat the patient.
- Surgery: In some advanced stages of lung cancer, chemotherapy is combined with surgery to treat the patient. Doctors can either remove some tissues, a part of the lung or replace the lung with a new lung to save the patient.
- Radiation Therapy: In this type of treatment, a patient’s lung is exposed to radioactive rays in order to destroy the cancerous cells. It can be or can’t be combined with chemotherapy.
- Other Solutions: There are a couple of other solutions to treat the patient with lung cancer. The details of those solutions can be found online.
There is always a way to keep oneself safe from any type of disease. To save yourself from lung cancer, stay away from smoking and smokers, do not step out in polluted areas without masks, and contact your doctor if you see any symptoms. TDS Service usage is meant to solve half of your troubles by allowing you to stay in touch with your doctor online and find ways to prevent yourself from cancer.