Words have always proved to be more appealing than actions. Things said by a person leave a deeper impact on the other person. Words can help people to judge the other person and an impression about him or her. Likewise, sweet words can always win millions of hearts. But one should have known about the effective tricks to win over hearts with words and quotes. Of course, there is no magical formula that would help in each and every situation but facts are there which can attract women towards men or vice versa.
Things to be kept in mind
The most important thing when you want a win over a girl’s heart is to make her believe that you qualify her expectations. Most of us always feel low and think that we might not be able to win over someone but no, you need to make her tell that you are the right person for her. Your words will function now. You need to say that your partner is the perfect one for you and you want to be sincere about the relationship. Anything which you say her should be genuine should be something which you really think about her.
Another important thing for winning hearts is to be direct and clear. Whatever you say her, should be clear enough for her to understand. Never make up things. This can ruin stuff up. Just go with certain phrases like, ‘You look cool’, and ‘You are alright’. It is suggested not to over think on these instances. Always be simple.
Always inform the girl whom you want to be your partner that you see her as your ‘potential’ and not a sister or best friend only. Conversion of friendship into a relationship can really be precarious. You can say her things like, ‘I will not discuss these things with others, I just want to keep it between us’. This will affirm her that you want her as your partner and not as a sister or a mere best friend. It has been recommended by relationship experts that never say that you want her to be by your side for the rest of your life in the first meet. This can make her think that you are desperate. A romantic partner is always dreamt by everyone. Try to be romantic but do not overdo things that could make things really messy and cheesy.
Some quotes which can definitely impress a girl after a certain stage are:
- Your name beats in my heart.
- You’ll find yourself in my heart.
- You are so pretty and gorgeous.
- You are the ultimate creation of God.
- My love for you is infinite. It has no end.
- I fall for you every day.
- You are the reason why I wake up every morning.
- I love everything about you.
- Having you by my side is the best feeling in the world.
- You are perfect for me. I always think about you.
- I am incomplete without you. Life is vague without you.
- I can solely be myself when I am with you. You make me comfortable.
As is known to everyone, girls love to be pampered. She always wants to live in her dream world and be treated like a princess by her ‘prince charming’. Effective words and quotes can really win hearts but they need to be said at the accurate time. This can surely melt hearts. Always share intimate things with your partner. This can really make her feel special. Sharing little secrets would make your bond stronger. Always makes things unpredictable, never keep a chance where she has the idea what could be next. Things should be surprising enough which would really make her think about you again and again. Try avoiding boring stuff like texting at a particular time or saying the same thing. Build a situation where she would always keep guessing things. Giving her a pet name can also be useful. This would make her feel more connected.
The above things can really a man to win his woman’s heart. Certain other things which should be considered are; one should be comfortable enough to approach, you never pose yourself to be someone who is immensely desperate to woe someone. One should be pursuant. Approach her effortlessly. Don’t create a situation which would make her do things forcefully. This will end up in losing interest very soon. Always be a gentleman, have a chivalrous attitude in you. This can really impress a girl within a short span of time. Another thing which could work is to be creative. Another thing which could be of much help is to be creative always. Being creative doesn’t always refer to having a fat bank balance. You can be creative in other significant ways as well. In the end, always be the real you. Being the real you matters a lot. If she’s still with you, you have already won her heart.