Buying jewelry for the workplace really needs to get a research work. You need to maintain professionalism in your workplace. So you need to put a formal look for the office. It is a very tough task to get a cool look and at the same time maintain the corporate feel in you. You cannot look chaotic in a globalized platform, you need to look trendy as well as carry the professional look. Few points we should keep in mind while wearing jewelry in office:
- Try to keep your jewelry simple, if you are wearing a necklace and an earing and you can wear either of the one in the office. Small cuff jewel will make your office look trendy.
- Wear gold, silver or diamond jewelry to the office, they give you a sophisticated look. And try avoiding any loud jewelry such as black, neon colored jewels.
- Earrings can be the best accessory for the office. Wearing bangles and bracelets can mess up your work while typing or writing. Elegant earrings can zeal up your confidant, you can wear oversized stud which will make you look stylish and great.
- Too much of embellishments and shine is not good for your personality in office. Your jewelry shouldn’t empower your personality.
- An office is a formal place so you should try keeping your jewelry simple. Avoid extravagant of jewelry in office. You don’t have to invest a huge amount of money to buy office wear jewelry.
- Wear jewelry which is matching to your personality. Try to be creative and make yourself feel confident.
Here are few pieces of jewelry which you can wear to the office and make yourself comfortable and confident enough-
You can wear rings in the office but take care that they are not too flashy. Extravagant rings should be avoided in office. If you are married you can wear your engagement ring and you can wear some chic rings if you aren’t married. While choosing a ring you should see that it has a semi-precious stone and have subtle look. Signets can also be worn at the office by women and men both. The signet should be of high-quality silver or gold. The simple is the ring the stylish it would look. Avoid colorful stones with the flashy band which would distract your colleague.
Wear a corporate necklace
Wearing a necklace to your office would really make you nervous. The best way to pair up a necklace with your office look is to buy a pastel-colored necklace, which will be shorter in length and will be not be hanging on your neck. It should be hugging your neck. You can wear a gold chain with a simple Ashley stone pendant which will simple and give you an elegant look. You can even try the necklace which is beaded with small and big beads. Well, a necklace can make you look a bit bold and excellent compared to your colleagues.
Fancy watches
A luxurious watch can change your look in a fraction of seconds. You are a consultant and keep moving. You get a lot of attention from people. Try to wear a watch which is a bit fancy, it will not distract your clients and give you a corporate look too. Try to wear a pencil skirt and a t-shirt with a gold-chained wristwatch. Watch itself provide a professional look. Wearing a watch will make you look more classy and confident.
Buying a pair of earing which will look good with your office outfit is really a tough job. It is confusing where you want to look modern and as well as maintain the office decorum. You can wear studs which have pearl and a gemstone like a diamond. Always try to choose a junk which will give you a classy and an elegant look. Always try to stick to the junks, try to avoid danglers as they overdo one’s look for the office.
Brooches are elegant and can be easily worn in a workplace. Brooches give an instant formal and a classic look to a woman. You can get brooches of different shape and size but you have to choose smartly which would provide you a smart look. Wearing a brooch in a cardigan will give classic look. You can buy office jewelry from any of the jewelry shops where you will get less junky jewelry.
Subtle is the new sophistication, keep this in mind while buying jewelry for the workplace. Even you can get a look without wearing jewelry this is where the creativity lies. Handbags can even give you a smart look. Try not to buy a bag with soft material that will make you look messy. Don’t wear a noisy jewelry, try to keep a track if your jewelry is making clinking noise that means you are wearing too much of jewelry.
Here it is you are ready for your office look.