Education refers to the process of facilitating or receiving knowledge. Education is an important element for the decreasing inequality and poverty in India. Hence, the government of India is trying all means possible in order to improve the level of literacy in the country. In recent decades there has been a significant increase in the number of students enrolled in schools. Elementary school education in India is successful because of the various government schemes and programs. The government is taking all necessary measures in order to improve the overall education system in the country. We need to be more supportive and encouraging of the government. That is why educational news and update in India is important. The more we are focused on the priorities, the better it is for us.
5 Steps Taken To Improve The Education System
Free Education for All
Poverty is one of the key reasons for parents to not sending their children to schools in both cities as well as rural areas. Therefore, the government is providing the basic primary education free of cost, to all the citizens of India at various areas. The government is spreading more and more awareness of the free education system in various areas, especially in the rural areas. This leads to an increase in the number of students enrolling in schools in order to study. You never know when the next Kalam will be unearthed from.
Various Government Schemes
The government is taking great initiatives to initiate various schemes which will help more students to enroll in schools. One of the schemes implemented by the government of India is the SarvaSikshaAviyan. In the SarvaSikshaAviyan Scheme, the government aims at providing absolutely free elementary education to children from the age group of 6 to 14 years of age. The Mid Day Meal Scheme has also been very effective in helping get more students to attend school. Parents encourage the child to go to school knowing that they will get a free meal. However, it is very important to see that these schemes are implemented in a proper manner and benefits the child in a positive manner.
Distribution of Books, Uniforms,and Scholarships
The government of India has started the distribution of notebooks, textbooks, uniforms,raincoats and other necessary items to a number of poor and needy students. Government scholarships are provided which encourage the students in order to enroll themselves towards a higher level of studies. These scholarships provided by the government are very beneficial especially to the poor and needy people. The distribution of the items can help the poor parents to spend money on other useful items for their respective wards.
Education Of Girl Child
Educating a girl child is an integral part of the society. In recent times, the government has taken various measures in order to protect and educate the girl child. The government of India has also announced the BetiBachaoBetiPadao campaign. This campaign aims at protecting, saving and educating the girl child. Girls must be empowered through education so that they can speak up for themselves when they become victims of abuse. Thus, the government of India is coming up with various measures such as the SukanyaSamriddhiYojna, C.B.S.E. Scholarships Scheme 2016 etc. in order to improve the literacy rate of the girl child in India. For long, India only focused on the girl child only in the issue of abortion. Now, the government is going a step ahead and trying their best to educate the female sex.
Building More Government Schools
A few years ago,the lack of government schools was a huge drawback in the education sector. Children had to walk long distances in order to attend school. Studying in private schools is very costly and cannot be afforded by all, especially, the poor and people from remote areas. However, in recent years the government has taken initiatives to build various government schools which havesolved the problems faced by the student to a large extent. With the building of more schools, the future of India can be sown. You need to understand that nothing happens overnight. Rome wasn’t built in a day. That is why building more schools, can essentially help young kids to gain confidence in facing the world. This will also help in improving the level of Indian entrepreneurs, engineers and managers alike.
The government of India has recently taken a lot of measures in order to enhance the education system in India. Therefore the government needs to generate more funds for this purpose. The funds generated should also be used in a proper manner. This will helps in successfully modifying the education system in India. That is why educational news and update in India is essential to understanding the state of education in India.