If you are not native to Australia and you wish to travel there to work, then this can be a very exciting adventure. Australia has much to offer, both in terms of the work opportunities and the diverse culture. You might find that going to work in Australia is an action you want to take for a short period of time, or it might turn out to be a much longer commitment.
Before you decide whether to travel to Australia for work, it is a good idea to make yourself aware of the following four facts!
- There are many different fantastic job options
Regardless of what your current job entails, you may find that you want to mix it up when you get to Australia. There are so many different jobs to choose from, so try to approach this process with an open mind.
It can be tempting to stick to what you know, but it could actually be much more fun to try something totally new; just don’t struggle in securing a job by only letting yourself look. For help with looking for work when you arrive in the country, head to https://www.recruitwest.com.au/ to discover great jobs.
- Australia is a huge country
If you want to travel around the whole country during the time that you spend working there, then that’s brilliant. However, you should prepare yourself for just how big Australia actually is.
To fly from one side of the country to the other will take nearly five hours, which demonstrates just how vast the land is! Depending on how much time you plan to stay in Australia, you may have to limit your plans regarding the different areas you will visit and work in.
- You need a visa before you arrive
Although it is not essential to secure employment before you arrive, you will need to get the appropriate visa before you come to Australia. Your specific visa requirements may vary depending on the country you were born in. You will also have to specifically request a work visa and to ensure you meet all of the criteria before you apply.
It may be the case that you have to provide further information to support your application, so make sure you do this as far in advance of your trip as possible.
- You will be paid in the Australian currency
Depending on the payment system that your employer has, you may be paid in cash, or you might receive a bank payment. If you are going to get paid directly into the bank, then you will need an Australian account.
You should set this account up for yourself shortly after you arrive to prevent any delays with getting paid. If you plan to save some of this money to take back home with you, then you will need to learn about the most efficient ways to transfer money between countries. It is generally the case that you will have to pay a fee to do this, so be sure to check out the different options to get the best rates.