How many of you want to be a doctor or engineer? Or want to pursue for any other professional degree? I am sure majority of my readers will answer in affirmative. The lure of such degrees is huge with the field of medicine and surgery leading them all. But just to get the admission in a med school is difficult to say the least.
In this blog I will try to offer you why all this is a serious affair and students need to on their toes even before finishing their high school till the day they get the admission in a med school. So before you apply to Caribbean medical school or anyone else, the following information will definitely not hurt your cause.
What the Med School Looks for from a Student?:
When a school receives your application they need to be sure about certain academic scores before they proceed. Your GPA and MCAT scores are likely to be verified before a med school will continue with the application process. Once done, the admission will want to know what kind of person you are and whether you will fit in a med school easily.
An admissions board is rightly interested in what type of person you are, what your interests are and why you want to do, i.e. become a physician. Your interview will consist of all of these as well as your speaking and listening skills, so be prepared to answer difficult and tricky question in this regard. You need to comprehend what they will actually try to find out and think hard for a moment before answering. But you can’t take much time as it will be deemed as your weakness in understanding the question completely.
The Core Subjects and Area of Interest to you:
If you want to be a surgeon or want to go to a med school where you can indulge in research about new medical inventions, then make sure you choose a school which actually offer these facilities. Do keep in mind that not all med schools offer everything form a medicine to surgery to research. There are niche courses and degrees which are not offered by every university.
One major thing you can do to be prepared for before you get into a med school is the core subjects that all schools require. Courses in English, Biology and calculus are mostly the prerequisite so that master these courses and gain required competency in these courses. You will also need physics (with lab) and general chemistry (with lab.) For some schools and programs you will need organic chemistry (with lab)
The GPA and the MCAT Factor:
Minimum requirements regarding GPA is also another important factor you must be aware of. The minimum requirement is 3. 5 or higher. Any med school in the US, Canada and the Caribbean islands will have these requirements. Furthermore, the MCAT score is also a requirement in the US, Canada, Australia and the Caribbean islands. A score around 500 is ideal and anything above will make it easy for you to the get the big ticket you are aspiring for.